變形 - Deformation
變形 – Deformation – 工程領(lǐng)域的常見(jiàn)現象
彈性變形是指在受力作用下,在彈性極限范圍內,材料會(huì )產(chǎn)生一定的形變,但當承載力消失時(shí),原始形狀會(huì )恢復,即材料具有一定的彈性。彈性變形是一種可逆性的變形。
而塑性變形則是指在承載力作用下,材料形狀發(fā)生了不可逆的變化。塑性變形的形成是由于材料的晶粒在受力下發(fā)生了滑移、螺旋滑動(dòng)和格子扭轉,導致材料微觀(guān)結構發(fā)生改變。常見(jiàn)的坯料加工、壓延、火花線(xiàn)切割等加工過(guò)程中,都會(huì )產(chǎn)生塑性變形,從而使得材料形狀發(fā)生改變。
非線(xiàn)性階段則是塑性變形階段,此時(shí)圖像呈現出曲線(xiàn)狀。材料在這個(gè)階段會(huì )發(fā)生塑性變形,產(chǎn)生的應力大于彈性極限,但是當承載力消失時(shí),材料仍然具有一定的塑性形變。
Deformation refers to the process of changing the shape or size of a material under stress. This stress can be caused by forces applied externally, such as mechanical forces or temperature changes, or it can be caused by internal forces, such as the movement of molecules or atoms within the material.
There are different types of deformation that can occur in materials, depending on the type of stress applied. The most common types of deformation are elastic, plastic, and viscoelastic deformation.
Elastic deformation occurs when a material is stretched or compressed, but returns to its original shape once the stress is removed. This type of deformation is reversible and is typically seen in materials with high elasticity, such as rubber or some metals.
Plastic deformation occurs when a material is stretched or compressed beyond its limit of elasticity and permanently changes its shape. This type of deformation is irreversible and is typically seen in materials with low elasticity, such as clay or some metals.
Viscoelastic deformation occurs when a material exhibits both elastic and plastic deformation under stress. This type of deformation is common in materials that have a combination of viscous and elastic properties, such as some polymers or biological tissues.
The study of deformation is important in materials science and engineering, as it helps scientists and engineers understand how different materials respond to stress and how they can be manipulated to achieve desired properties.
Deformation can also have practical applications in many industries, such as in the design of structural components for buildings and vehicles, the manufacturing of medical devices and implants, or the processing of metals and plastics for various products.
In conclusion, deformation is a fundamental process in the study of materials science and engineering. It encompasses a range of phenomena that occur when a material is subjected to stress, including elastic, plastic, and viscoelastic deformation, and has a wide range of practical applications in many industries.
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文章名稱(chēng):變形 - Deformation